State flags Ketsaran Rusia

There was no single flag during the Tsardom. Instead, there were multiple flags:

  • Standards used by the Tsar:[45]
    • Standard of the Tsar of Moscow (1693–1700): white-blue-red tricolor with golden double-headed eagle in the center.[45] Replaced by the Imperial standard in 1700 (see below).[45]
    • Imperial Standard of the Tsar of Russia: black double-headed eagle carrying St. Vladimir Red Coat of Arms, on a golden rectangular field, adopted in 1700 instead of the older white-blue-red Standard of the Tsar of Moscow.[45]
  • Civil Flag: The early Romanov Tsars instituted the two-headed eagle Imperial Flag of the Tsar, which origin dates back to 1472, as a Civil Flag, it remained the Civil Flag of Russia until replaced during the Empire in 1858.[46]
  • Civil Ensign of Russia: the white-blue-red tricolor, that was adopted on 20 January 1705 by decree of Peter I.[45]
  • Naval Ensign of the Imperial Russian Navy: white field with a blue saltire, adopted in 1712.[47] Before that, the naval ensign of Russia was white-blue-red tricolor.[47]
  • Naval Jack of the Imperial Russian Navy: red field with a blue saltire, adopted in 1700.
  • Standard of the Tsar of Moscow (1693–1700)
  • Imperial Standard of the Tsar (from 1700)
  • Naval Ensign of the Imperial Russian Navy (1697–1699)[47] and Civil Ensign of Russia (from 1705)[45]
  • Naval Ensign of the Imperial Russian Navy (1699–1700),[47] a transitional variant between the 1697–1699 Ensign and the Andreevsky Flag of 1712
  • Naval Jack of the Imperial Russian Navy (from 1700)[48]
  • Naval Ensign of the Imperial Russian Navy (from 1712)[47]


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